822 14 years ago


This is my first LIVE SET on The VORTEX radio show in Seattle on C89.5fm. Played for about 7,000 people live on a radio station ran out of a high school classroom!!!

My buddy Check 6 hooked me up with this gig with radio DJ Drew Bailey. I had an incredible time working with these gentlemen.

This was the FIRST TIME in 5 years that I had actually Programmed and Practiced a set before I played it, and it came out better than I could have imagined!

Belive it! or not... this CD ACTUALLY got me and a car full of people a free ride in a taxi cab in GERMANY!!! the driver liked it SO MUCH, that by the time we got to our destination, and I told him he could keep the CD...he goes "Oh, you give me CD? Your ride, FREE!"

Your Comments are appreciated =)


1 by



Instantly bouncing to ur sensational brkbeats. Love it! Can totally see why they wanted you to play for them again! Love the track selection too hun! SPLENDID! =)

nukem empire basement
nukem empire basement

never i thought that rambo has so much funk in da ass. (so happy ur face don`t looks like the buzzerface of silvy stalone, (my be he got a botoxoverdoze))
